App with statistics
See what the web app can display and what you can get from the values you submit. You can also check out our live measurements .
1 247
Active users
3 349
Sensors in use
3 651 274 956+
Measured values
TMEP app is free and you can find it in both Apple App store and Google Play. With app, you can add widgets directly on you phone home screen, so you can have your measured values quickly accessible.
After installing app, to add sensor from your account on TMEP, you just need to read QR code from sensor dedicated page.
What about having widget on your Windows desktop? No problem, check out our documentation .
Get astonished with amount of information. Get maximum information from measured values. Check out what is new (in Czech only) or application example .
You can have as many sensors under your account as you like. Have it all in one place.
You can sanitize incoming values to a minimum and maximum range or eliminate pointless jumps between measurements.
The detailed internet application is available from mobile, tablet and computer. At the subdomain address of your choice.
Widgets for iOS, Android and Windows desktop - keep your current values at sight.
Value exceeded? Low battery? The sensor does not report? We will let you know.
And present them on map of the world.
Within a minute, you can create your own account. Set up the sensor and you're up and running.
No problem, you can find both in the app.
You can buy or make device, which will send every 1-10 minutes measured value (ie. temperature in Celsius degrees, maybe along with humidity and pressure/CO2) on our server. You need to setup device by instructions given from manufacturer, or you can find instructions for many devices in our documentation . There are directly supported devices from companies, Home Technologies, LáskaKit, and Papouch. But you can use basically any device, that can send values over request type HTTP GET. You don't need public IP address for this.
Supported devices Demo DocumentationOur value visualisation (back then just for temperature) started more than 15 years ago. My dad bought ethernet thermometer TME from Papouch and it was nice to look over internet on outdoor temperature in our place, but what about some data history and graphs of temperature development?
And that's how TMEP application started. Soon it was getting new statistics and functions. After some time, we released it for everybody, but getting it running on web hosting (which you also need to have) is not easy for everybody. That's why was introduced - service, where everybody can easily have their sensors using simple web administration.
You simply don't need web hosting, no need to edit configuration files and setting up database tables etc. On top of that, our service is getting new functions and getting better with every year.
First three months are free, then the price depends on how many sensors do you have - first sensor costs 100 Kč (4 €), every additional sensor costs 50 Kč (2 €) yearly. You can add more sensors anytime, you will pay them when service is getting paid for another year. Check out our pricing in detail.
More advanced users interested in data collection often decide whether to go for a solution that they can install on a server at their home. The service offers significant simplification to easily visualize your measured data - you don't have to pay for a server to run the software, install or configure anything complicated, and most importantly, you don't have to worry about it. Any statistics, displays and information from the measured data that you might think of are already taken care of by our service and look great on mobile screens. You have a mobile app with a widget on your phone/tablet as well as a solution on your Windows desktop, email alerts and more innovations are gradually being added thanks to the ongoing development of the service.
Yes, there is open source app with values visualisation at GitHub. However, it supports only one sensor, have no administration, you have to install it on your server and doesn't have that many functions as
Yes, service functionality is a top priority. Whole service is monitored in detail at several levels. External monitoring is responsible not only for the general availability of the server and websites as such, but also for the workload and information about the web server, database and other processes. Monitoring is using ZABBIX - what it can do and how to setup monitoring is something I do explain in video on YouTube here (in Czech).
Yes, it is also possible to download backups of measured data at any time. Backups of all data are downloaded every day and several months of complete backups are kept.
Certainly, the service is not limited to specific manufacturers. Any device, be it a microcontroller with an ethernet interface or a computer, can send measured values for processing.
If you are interested, contact me please and we can arrange sending file with values that you need to get imported. Price for this operation depends on the structure of the delivered data and ranges about 500-800 Kč (20-32 €). Ideally if values will be imported into the newly added sensor on with no measurements so far.